Wednesday, 25 January 2012

How is 'Children of men' considered to be a post modern film?

Children of men has some images, songs or paintings that would make people think that it is a post modern film, 'Children of men' repeats the typical elements of a Sci-Fi film but not much, such things as based in the future, technology has evolved and there is a threat that is putting the whole of the human race in danger, are typical of a sci-fi film, but the technology are not too far from what we have today and makes the film's setting relate too much to today, and because of this people would argue that 'Children of men' isn't a Sci-fi film, however it contains many other genres such as action as towards the end of the film there is a war scene, with explosions typical of a action film, it also contains elements of documentary genre films as there are long takes such as when the protagonist and Kee are running away from Sid where he smacked Sid across the face with a large rock and then ran down the road, that was all in one shot which would have shortened down the overall time of the film and time when shooting as they wouldn't have to redo each scene five time to get different angles on it.

Some people would argue that 'Children of men' is a post modern film as it has inter-textual reference of Abu prison as when the protagonist is taking the Kee through the prison and we see a person on a box wired to something, doing this link rewards the audience for knowing what it's meant to relate to as it makes the audience feel proud that they have spotted it for them self, they also place high class art such as famous sculptor of a man next to pop art such as Banksy to show that all art have equal value no matter how high class they are or how urban it is.

In 'Children of men' we witness the death of the grand narrative as both religion and science don't hold the answer why women cant give birth to babies, there for not being able to continue the human race, but there is hope as a women called Kee is pregnant and gives birth to a healthy baby girl. Society is shown negatively as in the news we can see the whole world gone to ruin and the way the guards treat the prisoners in an inhuman way and when we see the lady in robs on a box wired, it reminds the audience of the Abu prison so that the audience can then quickly pick up how bad this place is.

I think making the protagonist die makes the ending more powerful than if he survived, this is because it is counter typical of the protagonist to die, as they normally survive making it a happy ending but in 'Children of men' he dies to make the ending more remediable to the audience. The target audience for 'Children of men' would be social class of  C, B and A as they would find it more challenging to understand than other films, 'Children of men' aimed for a wide rang of audience as they have cast from different ages so that more of the audience could relate to them such as adventures, as they would like adventer films like this and inspires as the underground movement tries to keep their status up.

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